Exclucive and Rare Musical Instruments Workshop

Our workshop contains two people- Mark Kudriashov and Krzysztof Strzelecki. We are musical instrument builders, inventors and also musicians, who are focused on creating new musical instruments and taking already existing ones to another level. We are passoinate about sound and also visual side of our creations. In our job we deeply care about traditions, but also searching new, freshest materials and technical-artistic solutions. We make mainly custom clavichords and chimes- in many sounds and shapes; but also, for our use- new instruments (concert celesta, ligularion, jazz pipe organ). Every our project is highly individual, we never make the same looking instrument. We believe that every hand made musical instrument is not just a piece of furniture- it contains its individual soul and character, which need to match person who will play it. We also put big attention to visual side of what we create- our experience in drawings, sculptures and jewellery making allows us to use many different techniques and wide range of styles (including metalworking, casting metal, gildings, oil paintings on wood, ornaments with natural gemstones). Our knowledge comes from many years of studying music, visual arts, chemistry, biology, and also from working in several workshops- blacksmith, furniture renovations. Using that experience we can produce every part of instrument by our own; we also make winded bass strings. It allows us to produce more customised instruments, which will make happy many different style lovers. We are based in Warsaw, Poland. Welcome to contact us!

Our main contact: rmi.instruments@gmail.com

Facebook: RareMusicalInstruments

Instagram: @raremusicalinstruments

YouTube: Rare Musical Instruments

YouTube: Marek Kudriaszow